4th Anniversary of the Foundation: Celebrating 4 Years of Shining the Light of Hope
Posted on October 26, 2016
Dear Anti-NMDA Family of Survivors, Caregivers and Supporters,
Celebrate with us today, our 4th Anniversary of incorporation as a Not-For-Profit Foundation, in Canada.
As I have said before we have come a long way but still “have miles to go before we sleep” in regards to raising awareness, ensuring that patients, in Canada and around the world are properly and quickly diagnosed, and treatments started quickly.
I like to think that although we are still a small organization, we are mighty! What we have accomplished to-date with limited funding is quite remarkable! For that, I am indebted to a dedicated Board of Directors, comprised of Dr. G. Day, Dr. H. Peery and Dr. W. Foster, to the invaluable contribution of Mr. Andrew Burnett, our Financial Advisor, and to Dr. Domingo Escudero, Partner Physician in Barcelona, Spain. All have contributed generously of their precious time to a cause that is as yet, not sufficiently known or understood.
Our network of Patient/Caregiver advocates which includes Ms. Linda Nourse in Montreal, Mrs. Pilar Castillo-Meier in Washington, D.C, U.S.A, Ms. Susanne Naaf in Rondeshagen near Lübeck in Germany and Mrs. Siobhan Brown in Johannesburg, South Africa continues to shine the bright light of hope around the world.
There are countless others who have contributed in myriad ways. Know that your contribution is highly valued. I thank you all for your dedication, engagement and for being ANTI NMDA!
– Nesrin