Support Communities by the Autoimmune Encephalitis Alliance
Posted on April 05, 2024
We are delighted to share with you a message from our good friends at the Autoimmune Encephalitis Alliance in Durham, North Caroline.
Dear Friends of the Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis Foundation,
My name is Meg Poe and I am Director of the Autoimmune Encephalitis Alliance (AEA), a US based non-profit focused on supporting families impacted by AE, creating opportunities to educate physicians about AE and promoting research into diagnosis, treatment and finding a cure for AE.
During the past few months, several people from Canada attended support groups offered by the AEA. This made us realize that many others may be looking for a place to be heard, share stories and learn from others living with AE. Consider this your invitation to join the AEA Support Groups.
We will share a bit of information here and you can learn more by visiting our website. The best way to learn if our support options are a good match for you is to join us! Here a several helpful links:
- AEA website homepage
- Learn about our support options
- Meet our support group leaders
- See scheduled support groups
All of our support groups are peer-led by either people diagnosed with AE or caregivers of someone with AE. Each month we offer two AEA Community Support Groups. These are open to people with AE, family members, caregivers, friends, etc. It’s a great way to gain different perspectives by hearing others share their experiences. Everyone is welcome to ask questions, share stories or simply be a listener if that is what you prefer.
We have a variety of audience specific support groups. Each of these groups began as a result of discussions during the AEA Community Support Groups. The groups include: Caregiver Only, Individuals with AE, Partners with AE and Parents with AE. These groups allow participants to share more completely and openly the personal experiences and challenges unique to the specific group. To view the group specific descriptions, click the name of the group.
We hope you accept our invitation and that we see you in a support group soon. It’s incredibly empowering to realize you are not alone. Please contact me personally with any questions.
Hope to meet you soon.