J Neurol. 2018 Nov 12. doi: 10.1007/s00415-018-9105-3.[Epub ahead of print]…
Clinlabnavigator reviews the autoantibodies most commonly detected in limbic encephalitis…
It took a while for it to sink in that I had been through some shit. What I’ve been through, I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
Throughout the ages, convulsions, contortions of the body and face, including the tongue, super-human strength, catatonic periods, long periods of wakefulness or sleep, insensitivity to pain, speaking in tongues, and a predilection for self-injurious behaviours have all been offered as physical…

The Brain Autoimmunity group aims to understand the role played by autoantibodies in neurological diseases including autoimmune encephalitis, demyelinating syndromes, movement disorders and early-onset psychosis. Immune-mediated disorders of the brain can present in previously normal children and result in rapid alteration in neurological function. Children can become blind, have disturbed movement and behaviour, memory loss, or severe seizures. The Brain Autoimmunity group’s focus is on identifying the presence of unusual or established autoantibodies in children presenting with these disorders. The presence of antibodies may establish biomarkers of disease for early diagnosis and potential intervention with immune therapies, they may also be the direct cause of diseases, offering avenues for early treatment and improved outcomes. Working directly with patients and families presenting to The Children’s Hospital at Westmead neurology clinics with a range of acute and chronic disorders including encephalitis, Multiple Sclerosis, Chorea, Epilepsy and Tourettes, the Brain Autoimmunity group investigates the biology of neurological and psychiatric diseases. The Brain Autoimmunity group is led by A/Prof Fabienne Brilot-Turville and includes a number of key people. The Brain Autoimmunity group also offers a range of diagnostic tests including: Dopamine-2 receptor (D2R) antibodies NMDA Receptor antibodies, subunit NR1 Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) antibodies
The prevalence of neural antibodies in temporal lobe epilepsy and the clinical characteristics of seropositive patients.– PubMed – NCBI…