Yasmin, Age 18
Yasmin became ill on 10/06/2011 and was diagnosed with Anti NMDA Receptor Encephalitis. On the 6th day she stopped breathing and was put on full life-support where she remained for 15 long months sedated with Propophol, Ketamine and other medications. Repeated MRI scans failed to locate the tiny teratoma that was on her ovary. After 11 months an internal vaginal scan located a teratoma on her right ovary. Yasmin had both her ovaries removed the next day. Sadly, her body was beginning to break down and her antibodies remained raised until her death on 16/09/2012. I donated her brain to medical science as I know she would have wanted to help others with this horrific illness.
Yasmin was in the Institute of Neurology in Queens Square London. They did everything they could to try and save her, including licensing a drug from America that suppresses the immune system. Sadly it was too late. I also allowed them to film the horrific dyskinetic movements caused by this illness. Do not agree for your relative to be treated with the antipsychotic Olanzapine as this causes dyskinetic movements. I know, as I have personal experience of it. I insisted that they take Yasmin off Olanzapine and her movements definitely lessened. Yasmin survived 6 episodes of sepsis and she fought bravely until the end. Yasmin’s heart failed and she went into multi organ failure but at least I didn’t have to have the machines turned off, as I dont think I could have done it. Yasmin Johnson X Factor audition on YouTube.